How to stop daily, annoying knee pain without risking surgery, taking painkillers and without having to wear a knee support
If you’re living with bad knees, they are painful or they ache all the time, it’s easy to think it’ll simply go away on its own. Or, you think it’s just ‘wear and tear’.
Even more common is for people to think it’s simply your age and that it’s ‘normal’ to get knee pain. Often, you’re thinking where exactly in the knee you’re feeling the pain, but it seems so hard to pin point!
If that’s happening to you, it’s extremely common, and knee pain is the one of the most commonly treated conditions at Crawley Physiotherapy Clinic.
And when it comes to living with knee pain, everyone wants to know the answers to the questions:
Why is this happening to me?
Why am I still suffering with knee pain, even after putting up with it for 6 months (sometimes more)?
The truth is most people think their knee pain will go away on it’s own. Unfortunately, it’s never quite as simple as that. 6 months down the line the pain is still there, and you’re hoping, even this far is, that one day the pain will just ‘ease’ and you’ll be able to get back to things like normal.
Does this sound like you?
Another scenario we see all the time in our clinic in Crawley is when people go to see their GP, they are told to ‘rest’ and take ibuprofen/paracetamol, and to ‘come back if it doesn’t improve’. To no surprise, the pain remains 6 weeks later and you return to see the GP, who then gives you more painkillers and advises the same. After which you feel frustrated and yet again let down by the medical profession and this explains why so many people aged over 50 suffer from chronic knee pain.
Has this happened to you?
Maybe you are confused because you’ve been told different things, by different people. Maybe you think you have to rest because you’ve been told walking makes knee pain worse, or that you should be doing ‘this exercise’ and ‘that exercise’ to make it better. It’s very confusing to know exactly what to do – and that’s just to avoid making knee pain worse! And because of this confusion – this often leads people to procrastinate and put off making a decision about what to do to help fix their Knee Pain. Worse, many people just end up accepting it as “part of life” – as if it’s normal, as if it “has” to be that way.
If you are currently living with knee pain, here are 7 reasons why it may lasting longer than it should:
- You thought it would go away on it’s own, but it didn’t.
- Your GP told you to ‘rest and take painkillers’, which helped initially but as soon as the painkillers wore off the pain returned.
- A family member, or friend told you everyone gets knee pain and it’s normal to get knee pain as you get older.
- You received treatment of some kind in the past, even physio, but nothing they did seemed to work.
- You tried using knee supports but they did nothing to help the underlying pain.
- You tried to rest because you thought being active could have been making it worse, but in fact resting didn’t help at all.
- You tried exercises you saw on a YouTube video but they didn’t help.
If any of these apply to you, we invite you to book a call to talk to one of our physiotherapists at Crawley Physiotherapy Clinic. In many ways it’s a good thing if any of the above applies to you because now we know what doesn’t work, we can start focusing on what does. Click the link below to book a free phone consultation a member of the physio team. We will ask further questions to find out what exactly is going on with your knee(s), and there is absolutely no obligation to book an appointment with us after the call is finished. Our goal is first and foremost to help you decide what options are best for you.
“What can I do right now to help ease my knee pain quickly?”
Here are four things we would suggest:
- Firstly, and most importantly, you need to make a decision about getting help. There is nothing more important than health, and if you want to keep mobile and active in the years to come you need to decide now to do something, so things do not get worse in the future.
- Next, you need to do the right exercises. The internet is full of advice of what to do for back pain. But no one has the exact same back as yours. And as such, you need to know which exercise will work for you, and which ones won’t. The only way to know which exercises to do is to complete an assessment from a specialist physiotherapist.
- Avoid sitting and long periods of rest. Sitting for prolonged periods and inactivity causes muscles to get weak, stiff and tight, often causing pain to increase and risk of injury to also increase. Keep a safe, light amount of movement going throughout the day, to keep your joints and muscles active and healthy.
- Get real, ‘hands-on’ physiotherapy in Crawley. Exercises often aren’t enough. Where muscles have become stiff and tight, hands on manual therapy helps loosen out the back, allowing it to move easier, so you can stand, walk and do daily activity such as stairs with much more ease and comfort.
If you would like to know how the physiotherapists at Crawley Physiotherapy Clinic can help you eliminate your knee pain, we invite you to apply for an entirely free, 30- minute, no obligation appointment to assess what’s going on with your knee, and what options would be best for you going forward:
Note: This Free Taster Session is for people who are unsure about if physiotherapy can help for their knee pain. If that sounds like you then please book in for your free 30-minute consultation so we can discuss what we think may help you best going forward, there is absolutely no financial commitment on your part for this appointment.
So the next questions is:
How can choosing to see a physiotherapist at Crawley Physiotherapy Clinic help you get rid of your knee pain – in the next few days?
Here are just a few of the things the physio team can do for you:
- We can quickly reduce the pain and stiffness you feel, often within first first couple of sessions.
- We can find out what’s actually going on with your knee, and why you’re getting the pain, often within 20 minutes.
- We can help you finally get some good sleep, and get rid of that night time pain that ‘sucks’ the energy out of you.
- We can provide you with the correct exercises that help resolve the underlying issue causing your knee pain.
- We can get you off those painkillers that you know are not safe for your long-term health.
- We can help you avoid dangerous spinal surgery and injections that may not even help with your pain.
- We can help you get back to enjoying quality time with your friends and family that your knee pain has stole from you.
- We can help you sit comfortably and walk for longer without that annoying pain and stiffness that won’t seem to go away
Essentially, we can help you get back to a normal, active and enjoyable life.
If you want to know about costs, and what availability we have this week, then simply click the button below and fill out the short form: