Visit our Location
4 Stable Park, Effingham Road,
Copthorne, Crawley, RH10 3HY
Opening Hours
Mon - Saturday: 8.30AM - 6PM
understanding msk injuries

Understanding Musculoskeletal Injuries: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Did you know that musculoskeletal injuries account for a significant portion of work-related health issues and are a leading cause of disability worldwide? In fact, these injuries not only affect our ability to work but also impact our daily lives and hobbies. In this article, we will explore the various types of musculoskeletal injuries, their causes, symptoms, diagnostic tools, treatment options, and prevention strategies to help you maintain optimal musculoskeletal health.

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Crawley physiotherapy clinic - update july 20223

Clinic Update – We’ve Relocated!



As of July 1st 2023, the details for my physiotherapy clinic have changed.


The clinic used to be called Tavistock Clinic, and is now called Crawley Physiotherapy Clinic.


To confirm, the full updated details are as follows:


Clinic name: Crawley Physiotherapy Clinic


Location: 4 Stable Park, Effingham Road, Copthorne, Crawley, RH10 3HY


Directions: https://goo.gl/maps/ruZcueCJjU6CxxQL7


Email: info@crawleyphysiotherapy.co.uk


Website: https://crawleyphysiotherapy.co.uk


For those who have enquired about bookings, the first available day to book an appointment is Thursday July 6th.


Please WhatsApp me or call me on 07490072592 to confirm a booking.


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first physiotherapy clinic to accept bitcoin in uk

We Now Accept Bitcoin As Payment At Our Physiotherapy Clinic


I am proud to announce that our physiotherapy clinic in Crawley will be the first physiotherapy practice in the UK to accept bitcoin as payment for its services.


I have chosen to do this on a backdrop of what I consider deeply concerning monetary policy implemented by the UK government over the past 18 months which has devalued the British Pound and led to palpable consumer price inflation. 


Bitcoin has strengthened in value since its inception, and due to its programmatic and immutable monetary policy it is not subject to political interference.


As a physiotherapist I attain deep meaning in my career and I enjoy the work I do, but the longevity of my career, as with any self employed working individual in this country, depends on the ability to exchange the services I provide with a value mechanism that can be stored and used to purchase, at the very least, the same value in the future.

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Woman having back pain while sitting at desk in office

How To Prevent Back Pain Whilst Working From Home

2020 has been an extremely strange year, to say the least.

One thing we’ve seen an explosion in is working from home.

As the pandemic has accelerated all existing technological trends, nothing has accelerated faster than the transition from office working to home working.

Multiple office buildings in Crawley have seen a large percentage of workers on furlough, working semi-permanently from home or even transitioning full time to home working.

In many cases the speed of transition came so fast that millions of people were not adequately set up in their homes to have a computer, keyboard, mouse and paperwork in place.

Therefore many of us are now working in our kitchen, bedroom, or our best attempt makeshift office in a spare room that hasn’t been used in years.

I noticed this in clinic when a higher-than-normal number of client’s attended due to back pain, shoulder pain, neck pain, hip pain that they felt had been a direct result of working at home in a non-ideal set up, causing new muscular tightness and strain on the body they’ve never had before.

Today I want to focus on what you can do specifically if you’re experiencing any type of back pain – whether it be lower, mid or upper back pain – that you also feel may be due to working from home. 

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front squat

Do Front Squats Increase The Risk Of Achilles Tendon Injury?


We love them as much as we hate them. 

Nonetheless, none of us dare to question their effectiveness for building lower body strength, power and improving performance in almost all sports.

The back squat, where the barbell is placed on the upper back, is the most common form of strength training squat exercise, but some also opt for the ‘front squat’, where the barbell is placed in front of you whilst squatting (using a variety of grip techniques).

Little is known about the front squat, and on the surface it can be easy to assume it’s simple just another position of a barbell squat, but the mechanics are in fact entirely different. As a result of this, the outcomes of the front squat are in fact different to a back squat. 


The biomechanical differences between front and back squat

To the human eye, if quickly glancing at the different types of squats, they look very similar. A barbell is placed at approximately shoulder level, horizontally, the feet placement are slightly less than shoulder width with a slight outward flare.

The difference in the biomechanics of each squat does not actually appear until the squat motion begins.

When you have a barbell on your back, and you squat down, you have the ability to lean (slightly) forward without losing balance, because the weight behind you will keep the equilibrium. 

This is not the case with the barbell in front. Leaning forward in this instance will be further aggravated by the weight of the barbell, and there is higher chance of losing balance.

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covid header

Our Covid-19 Promise

We live in truly extraordinary times. 

Covid-19 has shifted the way we do almost everything in our day to day lives.

The way we approach our health is different also.

Many of us are now working from home. Although in many ways this has its benefits, there are also some drawbacks I’m hearing frequently from clients.

Working on our kitchen table, or in our bedroom, with a last-minute purchased home desk and uncomfortable chair is not ideal for our backs, shoulders or neck.

This might present new pain symptoms that were never present before. Yet, there are many things you can do to help alleviate the pain and prevent it getting worse, as working from home becomes the ‘new normal’.

The good news is, as a physiotherapist in Crawley, I am allowed to continue working as usually during this November lockdown. This is based on guidance from government and local authorities, as well as regulatory advice from healthcare providers. This means I am able to offer face-face in person treatment for new and existing patients.

It’s natural to be cautious when visiting any shop or clinic at this time, however quality and safety has always been a fundamental part of my approach as a physio.

With that being said I have put in place a few measures to ensure you can attend your appointment confidently and without worry:

  1. All new patients will undergo a Covid-19 questionnaire screening process, to ensure you are safe to have treatment and do not risk others in the clinic building.
  2. All patients will have regular temperature checks.
  3. A face shield will be worn by myself for the full duration of the appointment.
  4. All major surfaces and the plinth (treatment tablet) will be wiped between each appointment.

When you attend for your appointment please ensure you:

  1. Only enter 5 minutes (maximum) for your appointment to present crowding the waiting room.
  2. Remain outside if there is no suitable space in the waiting room to maintain 2m distance from other customers.
  3. Wear a face covering if possible.
  4. Attend your appointment alone unless you require a chaperone
  5. Use hand sanitiser before and after your appointment.

We are going through challenging times, but don’t let pain stop you from doing your best to conquer the challenges we all are all facing.

If I am able to help in any way with your back pain, neck/shoulder pain, knees or hip pain, or anything else that’s nagging or aching, please do reach out.

should you stretch before exercise

Should You Stretch Before Exercise? A Data-Driven Answer


Although it is a practice all fitness enthusiasts undertake, stretching before intensive exercise has often been an underlooked topic of interest.

We all know that preparing oneself physically before working out is essential, to prevent injury and to perform at our peak level.

We often scrutinise how to perform our workouts most efficiently, to get the best results we could obtain.

Rarely, however, do we scrutinise our warm-up and stretching routine.

This article aims to shed some light on what the scientific literature has to say about stretching as a means for an effective pre-workout warm-up, to improve performance and reduce the risk of injury.

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benefits of exercise for pregnant women

5 Incredible Benefits of Exercise for Pregnant Women (Infographic)

Many of you know I am a huge advocate for regular exercise and constantly stress the importance of low intensity ‘steady state’ as well as high intensity (interval or weight training) exercise routines for injury prevention, longevity, mental health and and overall well-being.

It’s commonly unknown, however, how vital exercise is for pregnant women.

In our physiotherapy clinic I commonly see pregnant women concerned or afraid of being physically active, and rightly so (to an extent). Overly strenuous physical activity can be harmful and could put you in a position to hurt yourself or your child. Heavy lifting, intensive sport activity and high intensity weight training should be avoided or minimised where possible – and it’s important you review any activities such as this that you feel you can’t avoid (for example, if your work activities involve constant heavy lifting) with your GP and midwife.

However, light and moderate exercise is completely safe for all healthy pregnant women and should be encouraged, as it comes along with multiple surprising benefits. So what are the benefits of exercise for pregnant women?

I’ve created an infographic to explain some of the more interesting and beneficial side effects of low/moderate exercise for pregnant women:  

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best sports shop in crawley

What is the Best Sports Shop in Crawley?


In Crawley we are lucky to have a wide variety of commercial shops, but in addition to this we’re quite fortunate that Crawley has some boutique and one-off style shops that you can’t find elsewhere.

When it comes to sports products, I would have to say I’m quite the connoisseur (well not really, but I have a fair knowledge of the industry). As a physio based in Crawley, I have a passion for sports, health and wellbeing, and whenever I come across a sports shop, as embarrassing as it sounds, I feel like a kid who has just discovered Charlie’s Chocolate Factory.

Part of the reason is, sports clothing is my favourite type of clothing. It’s by far the most comfortable clothing you can wear. As a physio I’ve worn sports clothing my entire career, and I’ve played some form sports since I can remember being alive, so I’ve tested almost everything.

So what is the best sports shop in Crawley? This article aimed to help you be able to decide which sports shop is best to go to for your specific requirements. It’s worth noting, I’ll be referring to sports shops that are located in Crawley town centre, as this is the primary hub of shopping for residence in the area.

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exercise after joint replacement

The Importance of Exercise After Joint Replacement Surgery

Joint replacement surgeries, such as knee replacements and hip replacements, are common in those with end stage arthritis and can sometimes can also occur when younger from certain musculoskeletal conditions and/or significant injury.

The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) explains that total joint replacements are usually recommended after non-surgical treatments such as medication, physical therapy and lifestyle changes do not relieve pain symptoms or limited function as a result of one’s condition.

They go on to describe how joint pain that may lead to surgery can, in many cases, come from damage or wearing away of the cartilage that lines the ends of the bones. The lack of cartilage can lead to bone impacting on bone, causing pain inside the joint.

The National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS) also describe how the purpose of joint replacements are to remove parts of joints that are damaged or diseased and replace them with artificial parts in order to allow for improved movement and stability of the joint and therefore better day to day function.

What’s also important to note, in addition, is that a joint replacement surgery in and of itself will not entirely fix the symptoms in every case. 

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Charlee Raine
Charlee Raine
Highly recommend Kulraj at Crawley physiotherapy clinic. I saw Kulraj for 6 good sessions following having a car accident (passenger) and hurting my shoulder and neck, it was a very peaceful area and good facilities Kulraj was friendly and warm approach and made me feel comfortable straight away, Definitely work hard to undo the damage caused by accident and Has helped be able to gain the support and strength also stability. Happy to start getting back to the gym and do things I was stopped to do! 100% recommend, even going back when support is needed again, many thanks
Mr N
Mr N
I was referred to Crawley Physiotherapy Clinic through my employer after suffering a back injury whilst trampolining. After the initial assessment, Kulraj was able to devise a programme to address the root cause of my back problem. I had 8 sessions in total - the treatment included exercises to be completed at home. Kulraj was friendly and professional during every session and I would recommend his services. After 8 weeks, my back is feeling better thanks to the treatment!
Annie Balk
Annie Balk
Highly recommend Kulraj at Crawley physiotherapy clinic. I saw Kulraj for a number of session following having a total ankle replacement! Great facilities, friendly and warm approach and made me feel comfortable straight away. Has helped with getting my ankle moving again!
Kim Jarman
Kim Jarman
Crawley Physiotherapy Clinic was an absolute God send, not only did Kulraj help me with simple exercises that I did daily to realign my hips and shoulder but he gave me my life back. I never thought I would be pain free again, but I am. Thank you so very much, you have been AMAZING and I will most definitely recommend you to everyone I know!
Mia Karlstad Martinussen
Mia Karlstad Martinussen
I would highly recommend Crawley Physiotherapy Clinic, who helped me get back into running after a longer period of injury. I now have a great program in place to help prevent injuries in the future and build healthy habits. Thanks Kulraj!
Dan Johnson
Dan Johnson
Really helpful and friendly service, has definitely helped with my recovery from a broken ankle. Certainly can recommend Crawley Physiotherapy Clinic.
M17el M17el
M17el M17el
Had a work referrel.to Crawley Physio Clinic for a shoulder issue. With some manipulation and easy.to follow exercises the range has increased and hopefully by continuing the exercise it.will.sort.itself out. Nice quiet.clean location and very proffesional
Barbara Bardega
Barbara Bardega
Highly recommended! I had problems with my back and neck after car accident. After my first appointment with Kurlaj I knew that I have finally found someone who genuinely cares about me and my wellbeing. Treatment received was very effective and enabled me to resume weightlifting in a very short time.What I liked the most is his holistic approach to health and the fact that Kurlaj doesn’t limit himself to treating obvious symptoms, he actually examines your body structure in depth and looks for the root causes so there are greater results!
Chris Sherman
Chris Sherman
Ryan Richards
Ryan Richards
Went to a few sessions with Kulraj and he really helped with the ligament damage in my ankle, I'd been suffering with it for 8 months and after 6 weeks of sessions I was able to use it more then when I had rested it for a month
Emma Brookbank
Emma Brookbank
Can’t thank Kulraj from Crawley Physiotherapy Clinic enough! Managed to help me with multiple problems with me being pain free within a couple of weeks. Very friendly, professional and very knowledgeable. Very highly recommend!
arabella martin
arabella martin
I had such a great experience at Crawley Physiotherapy Clinic. Kulraj was fantastic with pin pointing what caused my injury and making sure I was stronger overall and treating my imbalances rather than just focusing on the injury itself. A few weeks later I'm pain-free and back to my training.
Daniel Sachett
Daniel Sachett
I injured my ankle in a serious car accident! And I suffered with it for many years went to see Kulraj at Crawley physiotherapist clinic and just after a few sessions I noticed an improvement!! I’d highly recommend going here for physio therapy
Nicholas Jones
Nicholas Jones
I would like to say a big thank you to Crawley Physiotherapy Clinic for helping my wife and I with our injuries from a car accident we were both involved in.The flexibility of this Clinic with my wife and I having back to back sessions greatly helped reduce time away from my work and now the pain levels are also actually manageable. We are able to do our daily tasks / work much easier and are feeling more ourselves once again which is great.The after care advice and referrals from the Clinic are also greatly appreciated.
moloy singh
moloy singh
I really recommend Crawley Physiotherapy Clinic. I had a back and shoulder pain, within four appointment I felt better and now my all pain gone.Thanks to Mr Kulraj (The Physio).
Dom Gordon
Dom Gordon
Kulraj was excellent from the beginning. A great mix of stretches and exercises as well as hands on work. My hamstring is finally feeling normal again after several years of pain. Many thanks!
James Maskell
James Maskell
Great service I would recommend. Kulraj is knowledgable and helped diagnose and then aided my recovery from a tibial stress fracture.
Vidun toys
Vidun toys
He treated my knee after the 6 sessions I was completely fine and the pain has gone. He is very professional. Happy with the treatment received.
lesley rushman
lesley rushman
Absolutely brilliant, first physiotherapist I've seen in 20 years who hasn't just given me the same exercises I already do for my bad back. Kulraj is very friendly, thorough and professional. 6 weeks of treatments using the different techniques used by Kulraj has made a huge difference to back.. highly recommend
shakher chhaganlal
shakher chhaganlal
My wife has been coming to the clinic for several months and Kulraj Singh has been incredible. Absolutely supportive to my needs here. Took time to listen to my pain and my worries about my chronic leg pain and he has taken time to support me through my recovery journey. I recommend him to anyone.
Leila Walters
Leila Walters
Would absolutely reccomend! The facilities are lovely, clean and with on site parking.Kulraj is very knowledgeable and has really helped to resolve my neck and shoulder problems which have been a problem for a long time. Thank you so much!
Adam Simpson
Adam Simpson
Crawley Physiotherapy Clinic really got me back on track after some trouble with Sciatica. Kulraj was very knowledgeable and gave me a program to bring me back to normal and a plan to prevent this returning through a bespoke approach. I couldn’t recommend him more. Thank you
Max Bromfield
Max Bromfield
Kulraj at Crawley Physiotherapy Clinic is a fantastic physio - he helped me with a painful chest injury. Very knowledgeable, a great physio and all round good guy. Would highly recommend!
Ross Bowditch
Ross Bowditch
Crawley Physiotherapy Clinic is really my go to whenever I have any kind of issue with my shoulder and back. I like to exercise daily but sometimes get hit with a little injury that can stop me and whenever that happens, Kulraj is the one I call. He is always so easy to deal with, so approachable and friendly and he of course, really knows his stuff! Always gives sound advice and really helpful exercises and stretches to work on the issues that never fail to loosen things up and get me back to my regime ! Would highly recommend to anyone.
Helen Sinclair
Helen Sinclair
I went to Crawley Physiotherapy Clinic for a shoulder pain that was impacting my daily life. Kulraj recommended weekly sessions (plus exercise). He did such a great job that I was able to successfully use my shoulder again (and take part in sporting activities). Kulraj is knowledgeable and friendly and I would definitely recommend.
Mark Dibben
Mark Dibben
Being quite active and enjoying sports and gym sessions I was in need of some physio. Kulraj at Crawley Physiotherapy Clinic is brilliant! Like many others I was searching for a physio in/around the Crawley area to help with aches and pains as well as posture.Kulraj has helped me massively with exercise programmes to do at home as well as at the clinic.The clinic is easy to get to and everything you want/need.I will keep going to Crawley Physiotherapy Clinic for maintenance.
Charlie Moore
Charlie Moore
Cannot recommend enough, fantastic service and extremely professional throughout!
Kanjana Ganeson
Kanjana Ganeson
I was desperately looking for a Physiotherapist and was so glad I came across Crawley Physiotherapy Clinic. I have been suffering with my knees after my fall (2 yrs ago.).I have been so much in pain ,I thought it will never heal but Kulraj was so amazing and professional and helped me get better and heal in 6 weeks. We had lovely chats and is very approachable..I will not hesitate to go back again . Thank you again ..Kay
Koal Bhogal
Koal Bhogal
Crawley Physiotherapy clinic were excellent in helping me recover and alleviate the pain of a hip joint problem I had suffered from for 2 years prior to their treatment plan. I had seen many physios about this problem with no joy, the holistic approach by Kulraj was the only treatment that worked for me. I would highly recommend their professional and friendly service.
anna woolford
anna woolford
Crawley Physiotherapy Clinic offered a very friendly & professional service. Assisted with my lower back issues, giving great advice including exercises to continue at home. Symptoms have improved massively!
Garry Smith
Garry Smith
Crawley Physiotherapy Clinic - Kulraj is a highly competent and professional therapist. On the two occasions I have needed to see him they were complex conditions, resulting from years of neglect and a very intensive sports life as a teenager. With both conditions he quickly assessed and analysed the issue, identified what needs to be done, building a programme to address the issue, and then guided me through the programme execution. If you have a condition that you believe physio will help/resolve then do not hesitate to reach out to him.
I was looking for a physio to help with my increasingly painful shoulder - and I'm so pleased I contacted Kulraj.Within a couple of sessions the improvement was significant, and after 6 sessions of treatment combined with a structured home exercise plan, I'm pain free!Kulraj immediately identified and detailed the root cause of my issue, and with his expertise and guidance I can manage my posture/alignment going forward.He's friendly, professional and very knowledgeable. I'd highly recommend.
Holly Fuller
Holly Fuller
Kulraj has been amazing in developing a plan to help with my concerns. The plan consisted of sports massage and different stretch combinations over the span of 6-8 weeks at the Crawley Physiotherapy Clinic. I now feel ready to complete my half marathon. Thank you for all your help!
Pam Graham
Pam Graham
After injuring my back / Rt sacroiliac joint I could barely move and even after a month I was in constant pain with no relief resting. My family were concerned so I checked out Physio clinics and trusting the reviews of Crawley Physiotherapy Clinic I made an appointment to see Kulraj and after just one session there was a remarkable improvement - I was able to bear weight again through my Rt leg and managed a night’s sleep.Kulraj suggested an exercise regime to follow between treatment sessions. I am now pain free and able to enjoy walking, gardening and even shopping!
Daniel Eyre
Daniel Eyre
Crawley physiotherapy clinic were so helpful with fixing my lower back.Kulraj was professional at all times. And the exercises he gave me along with massage really helped to get me moving again.Can't thank you enough !
Gracie-mai Carr
Gracie-mai Carr
He was so understanding and his hands where gentle and soft
Kevin Bhimanah
Kevin Bhimanah
Professional and very attentive on his job, I had a back pain for the last 6 months and in only 1 month he fixed it! Best physio I ever been!
Michael Holland
Michael Holland
Kulraj has been great, treating tendonitis with a variety of practical treatments including massage and home exercises, with helpful links to videos to demonstrate the proper technique. Spotlessly clean facility and highly professional, yet personable approach. Highly recommend!
Max Talbot
Max Talbot
I would highly recommend had a motobike accident and suffered from a bad back and after a few session's really made a difference.
Sadaf Khan
Sadaf Khan
Kulraj helped me with the back pain. I feel much better after just five sessions. Hands on and suggested exercises. Very friendly person. Would definitely recommend him.
Mia Christensen
Mia Christensen
100% recommend. Kulraj helped me after my car accident and gave great advice. It’s easy to get too, good parking and feels relaxing there. Definitely will go back for any other issues that may occur.
Stevie hillwood
Stevie hillwood
Very knowledgeable and proffesional physio. After a free session Kulraj knew exactly what areas I had problems with and gave a detailed explanation of what the process will be moving forward.Also an all round great bloke. Would recommend for anyone!
Lou Oldfield
Lou Oldfield
I had a very misaligned shoulder and trapped nerve . This was quickly sorted . Friendly and professional
Fatima Bello
Fatima Bello
Kulraj helped me through a pain on my shoulder/neck/bicep after a car collision. He was very professional, kind and accommodating to my busy work schedule. After 8 sessions (8 weeks), I can now use my arm to its full availability thanks to him. Definitely recommend! 👏🏽
Brogan McFarlane
Brogan McFarlane
Had a bad back and after a deep tissue massage the issue was resolved and the pain was gone!
Karen Young
Karen Young
Short notice booking following chronic back.pain and immobility, got me in short notice, fantastic professional service and after care. Can't recommend enough.Stuart Young
Shiva Reddy
Shiva Reddy
P Flynn
P Flynn
Went to see Kulraj due to knee pain following torn ligaments. Excersises were very effective an dthe pain cleared quickly. Kulraj was very proffesional and explained what he was doing and why - would not hesitate to go back for other issues. Thank you Kulraj
Joe Carey
Joe Carey
I came to Kulraj with an injury that needed sorting. Not only did he fix that, but also identified some underlying issues with my posture and fixed those too!Had me back playing sport quicker than originally thought. Couldn’t recommend him highly enough.
Marcus Chilcott
Marcus Chilcott
Nice location, great guy! Really helped me with getting me back in action!