How To Prevent Back Pain Whilst Working From Home
2020 has been an extremely strange year, to say the least.
One thing we’ve seen an explosion in is working from home.
As the pandemic has accelerated all existing technological trends, nothing has accelerated faster than the transition from office working to home working.
Multiple office buildings in Crawley have seen a large percentage of workers on furlough, working semi-permanently from home or even transitioning full time to home working.
In many cases the speed of transition came so fast that millions of people were not adequately set up in their homes to have a computer, keyboard, mouse and paperwork in place.
Therefore many of us are now working in our kitchen, bedroom, or our best attempt makeshift office in a spare room that hasn’t been used in years.
I noticed this in clinic when a higher-than-normal number of client’s attended due to back pain, shoulder pain, neck pain, hip pain that they felt had been a direct result of working at home in a non-ideal set up, causing new muscular tightness and strain on the body they’ve never had before.
Today I want to focus on what you can do specifically if you’re experiencing any type of back pain – whether it be lower, mid or upper back pain – that you also feel may be due to working from home.

Physiotherapy BSc MCSP HPC PAS
Founder of Crawley Physiotherapy Clinic
HCPC Registration Number PH97986
CSP Registration Number 089576