Our Covid-19 Promise
We live in truly extraordinary times.
Covid-19 has shifted the way we do almost everything in our day to day lives.
The way we approach our health is different also.
Many of us are now working from home. Although in many ways this has its benefits, there are also some drawbacks I’m hearing frequently from clients.
Working on our kitchen table, or in our bedroom, with a last-minute purchased home desk and uncomfortable chair is not ideal for our backs, shoulders or neck.
This might present new pain symptoms that were never present before. Yet, there are many things you can do to help alleviate the pain and prevent it getting worse, as working from home becomes the ‘new normal’.
The good news is, as a physiotherapist in Crawley, I am allowed to continue working as usually during this November lockdown. This is based on guidance from government and local authorities, as well as regulatory advice from healthcare providers. This means I am able to offer face-face in person treatment for new and existing patients.
It’s natural to be cautious when visiting any shop or clinic at this time, however quality and safety has always been a fundamental part of my approach as a physio.
With that being said I have put in place a few measures to ensure you can attend your appointment confidently and without worry:
- All new patients will undergo a Covid-19 questionnaire screening process, to ensure you are safe to have treatment and do not risk others in the clinic building.
- All patients will have regular temperature checks.
- A face shield will be worn by myself for the full duration of the appointment.
- All major surfaces and the plinth (treatment tablet) will be wiped between each appointment.
When you attend for your appointment please ensure you:
- Only enter 5 minutes (maximum) for your appointment to present crowding the waiting room.
- Remain outside if there is no suitable space in the waiting room to maintain 2m distance from other customers.
- Wear a face covering if possible.
- Attend your appointment alone unless you require a chaperone
- Use hand sanitiser before and after your appointment.
We are going through challenging times, but don’t let pain stop you from doing your best to conquer the challenges we all are all facing.
If I am able to help in any way with your back pain, neck/shoulder pain, knees or hip pain, or anything else that’s nagging or aching, please do reach out.

Physiotherapy BSc MCSP HPC PAS
Founder of Crawley Physiotherapy Clinic
HCPC Registration Number PH97986
CSP Registration Number 089576